• Advice on Wills: Should Each Child Get the Same?

    Advice on Wills: Should Each Child Get the Same? Dividing an estate among children is a delicate and often emotional process that raises the criti...
  • Asian Law Network: Jacqueline Chua, Managing Partner of Jacque Law, speaks to us about medical negligence

    Asia Law Network interviews our Managing Director Jacqueline Chua, and learns more about her work in the medical negligence law field and tips she has to share for those considering commencing a medical negligence / malpractice claim.

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  • Asian Legal Business: State Of The Market 2020

    Jacque Law LLC is pleased to have authored the Singapore chapter in the Asian Legal Business Guide to Employment Law in Asia.

    We hope the guide will serve as a good starting tool for human resource personnel, business owners and/or in-house counsel as they navigate the often complex and constantly evolving employment laws in Singapore.   If you require more in-depth advice on employment law matters, please feel free to connect with us.

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  • News Alert: Revocation of errant donee’s powers as a property and affairs donee for her father’s lasting power of attorney

    We are pleased to share that our client has won an appeal in the Family Division of the High Court of Singapore in a mental capacity case concerning the circumstances under which a donee’s powers may be revoked under the Mental Capacity Act (“MCA”).

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  • 实况报道:LPA所托非人怎么办?

    权力越大,责任越大。这是美国已故著名漫画家史丹李(Stan Lee)作品《蜘蛛侠》里的名句,用以形容持久授权书(LPA)的被授权人职务,格外贴切。史丹李生前起诉前经纪人兼看护奥利雷兹欺诈和滥用授权,商务拍档好友摩根则被当局提控虐待、囚禁并图谋夺取史丹李的财务。

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  • 家事法院新援助平台年底推出后 每年料惠及近400对离异夫妻


    家事司法法院发言人回答《联合早报》询问时,提供更多有关诉讼援助平台(Litigation Assist,名称待确定)的详情。

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  • Asian Legal Business: Protecting Employers from COVID-19 – A Practical Guide

    With COVID-19 hitting businesses hard, what options do employers have apart from cutting jobs? While job-cutting may be effective in some cases, it can also severely damage company culture and staff morale and result in irreparable loss of know-how. Employers can instead consider these alternatives...

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  • Court stops daughter's bid to take over ill dad's business

    A family court judge cancelled the powers given to the daughter of a successful funeral parlour owner to run his business as sole owner, after finding that he did not have the due mental capacity when he signed the documents last year. The court instead ordered that arrangements be made to revert to a document he signed in 2017 that provided for his two daughters to jointly manage his affairs. District Judge Shobha G. Nair said the case showed that laws, set up to enable an adult child...

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  • 洋骑士称撞飞重伤失发展机会 起诉女司机索100万

    40岁洋汉骑脚踏车过行人道,被右转汽车撞飞,脊椎与骨盆重伤骨折,坐轮椅长达至少半年。洋汉称伤势导致他无法搭长途飞机公干,损失事业发展机会,如今起诉女司机索赔超过100万元。发起诉讼的是英国籍男子大卫·霍奇森(David Hodgson),他从事资讯科技业,在一家瑞士公司当项目经理。答辩人则是60岁女司机李兰萍。案件今早在高庭开审。